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High School Commencement at Farnam

The Farnam High School held their first commencement on Friday evening, April 22, in the Congregational church.

The church was filled to its utmost capacity by the relatives and friends of the graduates. The church was nicely decorated for the occasion and promptly at 8:15 the graduating march was played and the class marched in seating themselves with Professor Brannick on the stage.

After prayer was offered by Mr. Underwood and an instrumental selection by Miss Cora Caley, Miss Gertrude Dryden gave the salutatory. This was followed by an oration, “The Middle Ages,” by Miss Charlotte Ainlay who showed by her remarks that she had a good knowledge of ancient history. This was followed by a song “Life’s Battlefield” by the choir. Miss Gertrude Dryden then gave an oration “Value of Time.” The subject was handled in a proficient manner. She was immediately followed by Miss Kittie Dryden who gave some very good thoughts on “Our Country.” The song “O Restless Sea” was then rendered by the choir.

Miss Mayme Garven gave the Class Prophecies in such glowing style that it was not difficult for the audience to imagine that such bright futures were awaiting each of the class. Clarence J. Balsar gave the valedictory oration entitled “Self Reliance.”

The solo “On the Banks of the Wabash Far Away” was rendered by H. W. Stilley. M. T. Faulkes one of the bright ninth graders gave the Juniors farewell which was responded to by Miss Charlotte Ainlay. All the orations showed deep thought and study and each of the subjects was handled in an able manner.

The next on the program was the most interesting and important of any to the graduates and their friends as it consisted in the presentation of the diplomas. Col. G. B. Dunton conducted this part of the program. His talk to the class was one from which many valuable thoughts may be drawn. After all had been presented with the documents which they had labored fro so zealously and industriously for the past year, the choir gave another choice selection; the benediction was pronounced; and congratulations fairly poured in on the young graduates.

Farnam has reason to be proud of this graduating class as well as the advancment in her schools in the past few years. This advancement has only been accomplished by long and hard labor on the part of Prof. Brannick assisted by the school board. Two years ago when Mr. Brannick took charge of the school it was a chaotic mass, but he soon proved his ability as a teacher by grading the school and adding some special studies to the course. From the time he took charge of the school the advancement has been rapid and Farnam can well look with pleasure on the time when they were fortunate enought to secure his services. We hope he will be continued in the work for the outlook is very bright, with a new school house, and a bright class we will look forward with pleasure when we will be able to attend the second annual commencement. And although those who have just graduated will be absent and will continue their work in other quarters: as their class motto expresses it they have “Only Embarked.” Still they have the assurance that their vessel is one which will, if properly conducted, stand all storms.

[Graduates: Charlotte Ainlay, Clarence Balser, Gertrude Dryden, Kittie Dryden, Mayme Garven]

Gothenburg Independent 14(2):8, Saturday, 30 April 1898


Published: 5/4/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe